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European Research Institute of Catalysis A.I.S.B.L. (ERIC)

The “European Research Institute of Catalysis A.I.S.B.L.”, abbreviated “ERIC”, is an international nonprofit association (Virtual Institute) with legal personality (registered in the Belgian 'Crossroad Bank for Enterprises') gathering together over 20 major European Institutions with large interest on catalysis related activities. The registered office is in Brussels (Belgium), while the Operational Office is in Firenze (Italy). The purpose of the Association is to promote activities in the area of catalysis.

University of Messina

ERIC operates through the R&D members (UdR, Units of Research), where the research activities are carried out in virtue of an agreement between ERIC aisbl and that Institution. The UdR specifically involved in RECODE project is the University of Messina (UdR ME), specifically CASPE (Laboratory of catalysis for sustainable energy) located at the University of Messina - Dept.s MIFT and ChiBioFarAm (Sect Industrial Chemistry), Italy, one of the ERIC partners. The UdR ME is led by prof. Gabriele CENTI and prof. Siglinda PERATHONER.

Team role and expertise in the project

ERIC, with proper or specifically hired personnel, will perform activities related to dissemination and training (WP8). The UdR ME will be involved in WP5, in all four Tasks, particularly on the development of catalysts and electrocatalytic cell for the conversion of CO2 to formate/formic acid. Minor activities are in WP6 and WP7.
UdR ME focuses its activities on the development of advanced nanostructured solid catalysts for sustainable energy applications. The group has also expertise in sustainable processes development and assessment, as well as in the evaluation of technology impact and energy systems.  The lab has participated to about 20 EU projects in the past, coordinating also several of them, including the Network of Excellence IDECAT and EU FP7 large collaborative projects NEXT-GTL and INCAS.


Gabriele Centi

Full prof. Industrial Chemistry - Principal investigator

Siglinda Perathoner

Associate prof. Industrial Chemistry - Principal Investigator

Stefano Vannuzzi

CEO ERIC aisbl