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Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia is a scientific research centre whose aim is to promote excellence in both basic and applied research and to facilitate the economic development at national level. IIT scientific plan encompasses 11 different research programs. These are developed within IIT main laboratory based in Genoa and IIT network currently consisting of 11 laboratories throughout Italy and two outstation in the USA in collaboration with MIT and Harvard.

Center for Sustainable Future Technologies

The Center for Sustainable Future Technologies (based in Turin) builds upon its wide set of equipment and the multidisciplinary expertise of its enthusiastic and committed research staff to enforce a new mission: the development of cutting-edge technologies to achieve fast the ambitious targets set up in Paris (December 2015) by the COP21 assembly of 195 Countries to cope with the global warming effect.

Team role and expertise in the project

IIT will play a fundamental role in the characterization of physical and thermodynamical properties of ionic liquids and the acetyl acetate, with a particular focus on the absorption / desorption process of CO2 for the ionic liquid used in the pilot plant. In particular, IIT will procure a complex tool for vapour pressure and absorption / desorption measurements, through which it will be possible to cycle the ionic liquids and simulate operational condition in order to evaluate the time durability and stability of the chemicals. IIT will also contribute to the development of efficient catalysts and electrodes for the conversion of CO2 to acids. IIT and Prof. Saracco in particular will serve as project coordinator and have a role in the evaluation of alternative CO2 valorisation pathways and in the leadership of dissemination and communication activities.


Fabrizio Pirri

Principal Investigator – Project Coordinator

Sergio Bocchini


Giulia Campodonico

Project Manager